Understand Challenge Create

Inspiring thousands to Visit London


Inspiring Thousands to Visit London


London. 17 million tourists hop off a plane to visit every year. Some are seasoned pros at handling its quirks, others need a little helping hand. We were asked to create a travel guide campaign using optimized video to help these intrepid explorers navigate the big city and ultimately enjoy an authentic London visit. “How To Do London” (like a local) series was the highly successful result.

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Combined 900,000+ views


Taking inspiration from the likes of Wes Anderson and Edgar Wright, we enlisted the acting talents of Youtubers (KOLS) Tash and Menna to act as guides throughout the 3-part series, exploring various aspects of London. Like using an Oyster card, ordering a cheeky pint, what to eat at the Burra Market (Borough), or what season to get yourself to the Temz. We’ll let you work that one out for yourself.

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48 Locations.
21 Businesses.
11 Delicious Meals. #Yum


Making it Count

With over 900,000+ views on Youtube, we helped the London travel guide attract travelers across Europe and the US to come experience London like a real London’ah.